Codehaus Bamboo
2015-04-16 20:55:44 UTC
Cargo > Containers - JOnAS 5.x > #1730 has failed (12 times).
1/21 tests failed.
This plan has been failing since CARGO-SAMPLESJONAS5X-1719 (Scheduled, 1 week before).
Currently Responsible
No one is responsible for fixing this build.
Failing Jobs
- Default Job (Default Stage): 1 of 21 tests failed.
New Test Failures (1)
- AllLocalContainerTest: Restart with no deployable (jonas5x,installed)
Fixed Tests (1)
- RemoteDeploymentTest: Change war context and deploy undeploy remotely (jonas5x,remote)
This message is automatically generated by Atlassian Bamboo
Cargo > Containers - JOnAS 5.x > #1730 has failed (12 times).
1/21 tests failed.
This plan has been failing since CARGO-SAMPLESJONAS5X-1719 (Scheduled, 1 week before).
Currently Responsible
No one is responsible for fixing this build.
Failing Jobs
- Default Job (Default Stage): 1 of 21 tests failed.
New Test Failures (1)
- AllLocalContainerTest: Restart with no deployable (jonas5x,installed)
Fixed Tests (1)
- RemoteDeploymentTest: Change war context and deploy undeploy remotely (jonas5x,remote)
This message is automatically generated by Atlassian Bamboo